By Cityscape on Monday, 16 March 2020
Category: Flavours

Dare to be green

Try making delicious plant-based goodness the star of your dinner plate and you’ll soon feel the positive effects.

A wholefoods and plant-based diet is full of health benefits and will have you feeling fab, but not everyone is ready to commit to an entirely plant-based regime.

Adding smoothies to your daily routine is a simple way to up your plant intake and a great way to get fussy kids to indulge in greenery. A smoothie packed with berries can have a handful or two of spinach thrown in that you won’t be able to taste over all the sweet flavours.

Eating seasonally is a great way to help your hip pocket and absorb the most out of fruit and veges. Autumn has a ton of healthy produce in season including leeks, courgettes and broccoli.

Wholefoods are key – these are plant foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, or processed and refined as little as possible. They are balanced in themselves so they will have the right amount of vitamins. These include legumes and grains as well as fruit and veges – you can substitute ground beef for lentils, or make some crispy tofu nuggets as a side dish.

Taking supplements in conjunction with consuming a nutrient-rich diet can ensure you’re getting the most out of your veges. Did you know you can enhance your body’s absorption of iron by consuming vitamin C? Kiki Health have a range of vitamins and powders that can be taken with meals to have you feeling fab in no time!

Shopping local is another great way to get the most from your produce. The food at your grocer will not have travelled as far to make it to your shopping basket. If this all seems a little overwhelming, there are food subscription services to help you move to a more plant-based diet. The team at Green Dinner Table do the prep and deliver ready-to-cook plant-based meals to your doorstep each week. There’s also a growing number of restaurants around town offering some primo plant-based meal options including Dux Dine, Moment Café, The Fermentist and The Dish.

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