Q&A: Seizing Pleasure

By her own admission, Betty Grumble comes from a long line of humanoid and mythical sex clowns. She shares her womanifesto with Cityscape before her appearances in Bread & Circus – World Buskers Festival.

How did you break into this industry? I wouldn't call it a break. I was always a creature of theatre and shows. I didn't want to tell stories that didn't make my heart sing, I didn't want to compete and be treated like an object. I was lucky enough to train and persist within arts schools and experiment in the realm of the nightclub. Installation performance, drag, strip and storytelling all got smashed together as I honed full-length shows. It was a maturation, a slow burn, a thick tree trunking that is now bearing fruit. I didn't compromise my radical heart and people have respected that.

How did your persona Betty Grumble come to fruition? Betty Grumble was born out of a desire to seize pleasure as a radical act. She is my healing balm and I offer her up as a site for celebration and critique. She is my totem critter, coming and becoming. She started as a war mask but has also evolved into a love letter. She is a mantric wish for lover energy and comes from a long line of humanoid and mythical sex clowns.

What has been your weirdest fan request? I haven't had one. I think wyrdness is good!

Who has been your biggest influence? All the women bodies that have fought and flourished before us, given us life force and strength in the face of cruelty and control. I love rock ’n' roll, disco and the ocean.

Who would you love to collaborate with? Gaia, the ancestral mother of all life!

If you knew then what you know now, would you still be doing what you are doing today? Yes! I am living a beautiful gift of creativity.

If you could perform anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would love to perform wherever the sea meets the wildness and wherever there are humanoids up for the gathering.

What can we expect from your Christchurch performances? You can expect a womanifesto, a flesh riot, a performance arty, wildly silly spectacle of deep messy being.

Betty Grumble (at Bread & Circus – World Buskers Festival)
The Old Boys’ Theatre – Christ’s College, January 11 - 19 2019

Q&A: Seizing Pleasure